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Visiting the KGB Museum

In Before Times (remember those?) when I could travel, I made a point of seeking out anything spy-related. This brought me to the KGB Museum in Tallinn, Estonia! Housed in Hotel Viru, it's a small museum that benefits from having a great tour guide. And indeed, we had a really good tour guide. He showed us how pretty much everything in the place was bugged (even the plates!) and how your bartender was more than a bartender, and the little old lady that greeted you on your floor was more than she appeared. (I mean, she was still a little old lady, but she was also an informant).

Why Hotel Viru? Well, take a tour and look out from the top of the building--you'll have a bird's eye view of all of Tallinn. Perfect location for the KGB to keep an eye on things. Plus, as a hotel, you could count on all sorts of international travelers with shady motivations (okay, that's my own creative license there, but it sounds about right).

Anyway, if you're ever able to get to Estonia, I highly recommend it. Plus, your ticket is also good for a discounted drink!

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